Either way, you’ll want to attend HCTU,s April program, “Atlantic Salmon Fishing for the Common Man.”
At our April meeting you’ll learn about a no-nonsense, affordable option for fishing for Atlantic Salmon on the beautiful Margaree River on Cape Breton Island that is both flexible and repeatable. The logistics have all been worked out for you, the price is right, and, unlike many salmon rivers, on the Margaree, you’re not required to purchase a day pass or to hire a guide – all factors that help make the cost of your trip more manageable.
Our presenter for HCTU,s April program is none other than Angus Boezeman, President and CEO of Broadside International, a multi-faceted outfitter that offers numerous fishing trips and schools throughout New England and also imports custom fly-rods and other products from Japan. As part of Broadside’s portfolio of offerings, Angus and his partner Alan Erdossy lead annual Atlantic Salmon fishing trips to the Margaree. Angus will draw on this yearly tradition for his April talk as well as profile the experience generally for those of us who may want to try it on our own.
In addition to being a registered NH Guide, Angus, himself, is a veritable, one-man, fly-fishing institution all the way from Concord, NH, where he has been a pillar of the Basil Woods Chapter of TU for many years, to the Great North Woods. Year in, year out he offers fly-fishing schools out of Tall Timber Lodge in Pittsburg, NH, speaks at numerous TU venues and fly-fishing shows and is perhaps the premiere wade-fishing guide on the Upper Connecticut River.
And if that isn’t enough, Angus is also a uniquely engaging, humorous presenter, with an absolutely infectious enthusiasm for all things fly-fishing. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about this do-able, reasonably-priced Atlantic salmon fishing opportunity as well as to meet the one-and-only, “Mr. Fly-fishing,” Angus Boezeman.
Join us for an informative program and fellowship!