Our Board of Directors and Officers are working on the Chapter's plans for the fall. The Chapter has not traditionally had summer events. Stay tuned for further news and a possible Zoom presentation on the recently released report on wild brook trout. You can view the report at:
Here's the messages from Chris. You can click on the following link
From the President to go to the message rather than reading it all here:
Here's a link to a video of Chris's comments on re-opening:
Watch Chris Wood’s video on the re-opening of TU offices and in-person events.
TU will work harder to build a more equitable communityby Chris Hunt
June 3, 2020
Editor’s note: The following is a note that TU President and CEO Chris Wood sent to TU’s staff on Tuesday, June 2.
For 60 years, the work of Trout Unlimited has been grounded in community. Every time we bring historic adversaries together to remove a dam or restore a watershed, we build community. Every stream cleanup, kids’ camp, veterans’ trip, advocacy event, Trout in the Classroom program, local fishing day — it all creates community. But we will do more.
We’ve learned that conservation is ultimately about people engaging people in the protection of the lands and waters that sustain us — all of us together.
But across America, many of our communities are hurting. Inequities and violence undermine the basic bonds that unite us as a nation. This should trigger rigorous introspection. Introspection about what we can do as an organization to become more welcoming to more of America—what we can do to become more inclusive and more equitable.
Good comes when we listen more, understand more, and judge less — when we seek compassion and ways to help our neighbors. Good comes from building an America that truly protects the rights and freedoms of all its people.
Inequity and violence destroy. When we build community, we create.
Trout Unlimited and its 300,000 members and supporters will play an active role in efforts to build a more inclusive community across the nation. We cannot simply ignore the news, go fishing, and wait this out. Trout Unlimited will be part of the solution by addressing the inequities in our communities, and by building space for all people to participate in our mission of conserving, protecting, and restoring our watersheds.
Please go www.tu.org/equity, to learn more about how we are working to become a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organization.
Thanks for everything you do!
— Chris
TU Offices and Chapters Able to Open on June 1
Our priority is to ensure the safety and health of all TU volunteers, members, staff and supporters.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all TU indoor, in-person events – including local chapter and council events – were cancelled through May.
As of today, June 1, in-person, indoor activities are permitted, but it is required that every chapter, council and volunteer leader follow all federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances and best practices if an indoor event is planned.
At the same time, we encourage our chapters and councils to carefully consider whether holding an indoor event at this time is appropriate or necessary given the fast-changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Summer is a great time for outdoor events and activities where social distancing and responsible recreation and conservation can occur.
If your chapter or council is considering re-starting events or activities, please:
Read: Safety Protocols for Events & Activities During COVID-19
Download: Event Attendee Contact Tracing Sign-In Sheet
Contact: Volunteer Operations staff with questions on specific events
Stay safe, healthy and smart as you continue to grow and develop your local conservation community during COVID-19.